Operational Data Lake

Database queries were inefficient, GDPR requires changes to the structure.
Use a Kudu database as a mirror, make the database GDPR compliant.
Our customer, a German media company, had to adapt their subscribers to a new service respectively new GDPR regulations and they were having serious issues with a Siebel database.
Queries could not be made directly, as the database was already at capacity.
Information had to be taken from the table and mirrored to a Kudu database where queries could be efficiently performed.
In addition, the data was elaborated, and various data privacy concerns were addressed.
Notably, data were anonymized, and an Opt-In/Opt-Out system was updated.
A reactive database is imperative when trying to extract business intelligence from data.
With a low latency query system, insights can be pulled up immediately across huge volumes of data.
Additionally, GDPR considerations, such as data anonymization, are imperative to avoid hefty auditing penalties.
Apache Spark, Kudu, and Oozie.