Published by Evan Eames at


Deep Learning and Predictive Analytics World

Adri and Evan were at the Deep Learning and Predictive Analytics World conference last week. The goal was to get some insight into the current state of Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Artificial Intelligence, as well as their respective applications in the context of industry and business.

Link to the Deep Learning section:
Link to the Predictive Analytics section:

Evan also wrote out the following summary of the event.
For me, the key take-aways from the conference are:

1. An understanding of the current state of ML/DL in industry, as well as an appreciation for companies’ occasional hesitancy in adopting certain technologies.
2. An idea of the most prominent and state-of-the-art algorithms cur-rently being used by companies.
3. A huge array of use-cases from which to draw inspiration for future sales-packs/PoC’s.
4. A vision for how the relationship between ML/DL will be evolving over the next few years.

And ultimately, the day strengthened my conviction that there is a huge and ever-increasing push towards ML/DL solutions across all industries. This represents a huge potential for growth, both the size and profitability of Data Insights. It’s important that we not miss this opportunity. I think it’s imperative that we prepare ourselves for this future, and establish ourselves as a leading provider of ML/DL solutions in Germany. A few methods through which to achieve this could be:

• Establishing a sales pack containing a number of relevant PoC’s (CNN, chatbot, predictive maintenance, sales forecasting, etc.).
• Assure that a number of our employees are certified in relevant domains (Cloudera ML/DL, AWS ML, etc.).
• Advertise our company as excelling in ML/DL solutions.
• Attend ML/DL/AI meetings when possible, to stay at the forefront of innovations, and collect potential leads.

You can read Evan’s full summary, including discussion of some of the state-of-the-art ML/DL techniques, here:

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