Real-Time Marketing​

Retail / Loyalty Program
Improving customer loyalty leads to higher revenue
Offering users relevant coupons as they move around the store
The customer wanted a system in which promotional offers could be both personally tailored and reliably delivered to customers.
The system would operate on a points-based system in which customers who share more data by participating more are rewarded.
The solution used Geolocation inside/outside supermarkets in order to offer customers pertinent coupons in real-time.
For example, if the customer is close to the cheese section, they will be offered some additional savings, if they take it.
The system encouraged customers to engage more with the shopping experience, creating additional data that could be further used for business insights.
The coupons offered incentives through which customers could be guided towards certain purchases.
App-based Geolocation Data
Spark, Casandra, R, Java
CD/CI with Jenkins